- Click the button to cancel the entire invoice amount.
- A Billing Adjustment will automatically be generated with the type set to “Void.” This adjustment reflects the voided invoice total.
Details of the Voiding Process:
- The system displays the full invoice amount available for voiding.
- Clicking “Void” permanently cancels the invoice.
- Selecting “Void with Redo” performs a double action:
- It voids the original invoice.
- It creates a completely new invoice, allowing you to start fresh with an necessary modifications.
Benefits of Voids and Billing Adjustments:
- Voids help correct errors or cancel invoices no longer needed.
- Billing Adjustments provide a clear record of voided invoices for accurate financial reporting.
Void Button
- Clicking this button voids the entire invoice amount.
- A Billing Adjustment is automatically generated with the type set to “Void.” This adjustment reflects the voided invoice total.
Void and Redo:
This option allows you to void the original invoice and create a new one simultaneously.
- Clicking “Void and Redo” performs a double action:
- It voids the original invoice, permanently canceling it.
- It creates a completely new invoice with the same information as the original. This allows you to make any necessary changes before sending it out again.
Important Note:
- Voids are permanent actions. Use them with caution.