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Send Trust Request Email

1 min read

This screen gives the user the ability to review the trust request PDF overview and also gives the ability to enter the email address as well as modify the email content. This screen is divided into three parts.

  • Email Sender and Recipients:
    • From address: This address can be set up as a default law firm-wide.However, a specific billing address can also be set up to make sure that all the emails are going out using that address.
    • To Address: This address is pulled from the Account email field.
    • CC Address: Users can type the email addresses in this field, you can separate the email addresses by a comma if sending to multiple people.
  • Email Subject and body information: This information pulled from your default email template sets it up at the company setting. However, this is a free-form text field and can be overridden as you wish at the time of sending the email out.
  • Trust Request Template: The right side of the screen shows the Trust request template used to generate the PDF, this template also can be set up in the Company settings. Please see the installation guide on how to change the email templates and Trust requests PDFs.

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